I’ve spent the summer throwing pots in my tiny studio. While I throw I listen to audiobooks and I had a binge of Dimension X (Adventures in time and space told in future tense). The shape came from the sounds, it seemed right to create forward looking retro space age shapes and it was a challenge to my throwing skills.
The colours of these pots were chosen to represent the temperature at the time of decoration. Blues are cooler, yellow warm and oranges and red the warmest. The pallette came from a friends washing line in the Gambia. She has wonderful taste.
Moving on from the bird and wind drawings I’m using a similar system to draw with nature onto ceramics. My garden has a series of lines, levers and sails connected to trees and bird feeders. The movement of birds or the wind moves a found feather which occasionally dips into a colour and transfers to the pots. It is a long and mindful process with each line and shape is a direct record of the movement of nature in a moment.

rocket pots just wait for the wind and birds to move a loaded feather

September colours decorate this rocket pot drawn by birds and wind