Ty Pawb Meet the Artist
Dec 23rd 2020 – IGTV
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Bricks Bristol
Artists Talks, 14th October 2020
“Think inside the box and make your own art gallery”
Centre for Fine Print Research
Seminar, 2nd Sept 2020
Creative Aphantasia, making intangible things solid and collaboration in lockdown.

Lisa does not see
visually with her mind
Human and Community Centred Design
KWMC The Factory Online INSPIRE Talk, 29th July 2020
“The second in our Making The Difference strand of online talks: Join our Factory technician Fi, who has been working on the Filwood Fantastic community-led design and skills programme, in conversation with local artists and designers as they discuss the intersection of community improvement, community action and collaborative design. We hear from collaborative designer and all-round sustainability hero Lisa Cole about her locally-focused project Show Some Love designed to tackle waste on Stapleton Road by inspiring local pride, and from conceptual artist and lifelong proud Bristolian Claudia Collins about her latest lockdown projects ‘Knowle West beaches’ and ‘Kindness rocks’, aimed at bringing creativity and community spirit to her local streets in a time of uncertainty and isolation. Tune in to find out more about these unique and inspiring projects, and follow our discussion around ways in which we can continue and evolve the process of designing and working closely with communities in today’s socially distant times.”
Bodies, Discourses and Representations – An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Colloquium
On the 24th January 2019, the Visual Culture Research Group hosted a Postgraduate Colloquium at Arnolfini on the theme ‘Bodies, Discourses and Representations’. The Colloquium was organised by Dr Michela Prevedello (Programme Support Assistant for postgraduate students and member of the VCRG). MA and PhD UWE students across Art & Design and Film & Journalism programmes were invited to present their work at the event. The day ran from 10-4pm and thirteen students took part in the Colloquium, presenting work across a range of disciplines. Presentations were split into three panels and these were chaired by UWE students who introduced the speakers and ran a Q&A session. Following the Colloquium, students will be encouraged to publish their papers in a postgraduate peer-reviewed journal.
[In]EXclusion – Postgraduate Colloquium 2020
On Wednesday 5th February 2020, a group of UWE students hosted a postgraduate colloquium on the theme ‘[In] EXclusion’. Holly Bennett, Lisa Cole, Linda Devo and Rob Martin received funding for a ‘Student-Led Learning & Teaching Project’ and delivered the colloquium as part of an interdisciplinary postgraduate events programme.
The colloquium was held at Bower Ashton campus and featured presentations from MA and PhD UWE students across Art & Design and Film & Journalism programmes. These were chaired by students who introduced the speakers and ran a Q&A session.
Being sustainable on a budget-Sustainable(ish) Online Festival 2020- Festival of Sustainable Living
There’s a common assumption that ‘being green’ is more expensive. And indeed, organic food, and many plastic-free options are pricier than their ‘normal’ counterparts. So is it possible to be sustainable on a budget? Join us for this panel discussion to find out! Panellists: – Lisa Cole (https://www.less-stuff.co.uk/) – Zoe Morrison (https://ecothriftyliving.com/) – Claire Lyons (https://www.thefrugalfamily.co.uk/) The Sustainable(ish) Online Festival 2020 was an online celebration of all things Sustainable(ish) held during May 2020. The festival was host to 40 talks providing a source of inspiration for anyone wanting to try and live a more sustainable life and reduce their impact on the planet.
Learning to live with less – Sustainable(ish) Online Festival 2020 – Festival of Sustainable Living
A panel discussion around how we can reduce the clutter and ‘stuff’ in our homes in an eco-friendly way, as well as tips for how to prevent ‘re-cluttering’.